The Honourable
Fayval Williams MP
Minister of Education, Youth and Information

Welcome to the official website for the Primary Exit Profile (PEP). Our students have begun their preparations for the upcoming PEP examinations. We know that every student can learn and with the introduction of PEP, the education landscape will see marked improvement that will augur well for future generations. PEP will place emphasis on determining the extent to which the children are able to use their knowledge of content, and skills they have developed to solve problems. That is the key difference between the GSAT and PEP.

Let me assure you that all is well and there is nothing to fear. All our children are destined for great things in life. We are working assiduously to ensure that our young citizens are equipped with the necessary skills and competencies that will give them a competitive advantage in the global market place. The MoEYI is making sure that everyone is given a fair, even chance of success and that no one is left behind. Best Wishes and God Bless You All.

The Honourable
Robert Morgan MP
State Minister in the Ministry of Education, Youth and Information

Thanks for visiting the official website of the PEP, specially developed by the MoEYI to cater to students, parents and teachers. The Ministry has observed the changes taking place around the globe in information and communication technology, and believes that no child should be left behind in these advancements. Through the infusion of these innovations in teaching and learning, we seek to stress the relevance of technology, as well as focus on the different learning types of students.

The website contains practice questions, videos, audio and written content for students and teachers, and a forum for discussion for parents and teachers. There is also a section specifically for Frequently Asked Questions, which will clarify the components of PEP, the dates for exams, and answer any other queries that may arise. Join with us as we help you to keep in step with PEP.

Grace McLean, PhD
Permanent Secretary (Acting)

It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to the MoEYI’s PEP website. The MoEYI views education as a partnership between the students, parents, the community and the school and every decision we make is aimed at improving outcomes for students. We strongly believe in the importance of our teachers, parents, and administrators collaborating and communicating openly and frequently.

We continually improve the quality of tools of communication, which includes giving you access to this interactive website where you can retrieve pertinent information about PEP. You will notice that the website has been designed to integrate a variety of innovative technological tools and resources to enhance the teaching and learning process for PEP. If you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us. Best wishes!

Kasan Troupe, PhD
Chief Education Officer (Acting)

Thank you for visiting the MoEYI’s special Primary Exit Profile (PEP) website. We are dedicated 100% to helping our children perform at their best in all our exams and so we are providing additional resource information online that will be easily accessible to parents, teachers and students in your preparation for PEP.

We want to ensure that you have all the information in one place at the click of a button. All important dates are included, as well as practice questions, curriculum, videos and audio on PEP. You can also send us your comments, questions and suggestions regarding PEP via the contact page, and communicate with other PEP parents and teachers in the forum. You can also use our listed contact information if you need clarification on any related matter. The MoEYI’s team is ready and eager to help you keep in step with PEP.